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My story

I’m Adina Mintz, an experienced Physician Assistant with a dedication to the field of Functional Medicine. With over 15 years of caring for patients, education from SUNY Downstate Medical Center, and specialized training at the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), I've had the honor of guiding many toward better health. With my background in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Integrative Medicine, and Urgent care, I’ve worked alongside many talented medical professionals.

When I studied to become a Physician Assistant, I was mainly taught to treat symptoms. However, it didn't take long to realize this only provides a short-term solution. While I see the tremendous value modern medicine offers and use these tools in my practice, I felt led to research and study what living a healthy life really means beyond band-aid solutions. By combining my background in Western medicine with Functional Medicine principles, I've developed the tools needed to support you.

My practice revolves around giving you down-to-earth tools and education, leading you and your family to better health. I use evidence-based methods and a holistic approach to provide you with the best care and support possible. I know that trusting your healthcare provider is essential, and I'm here to earn that trust every step of the way.

With over a decade and a half of experience in the medical field, my goal is to help you achieve long-lasting well-being in body, mind, and spirit through Functional Medicine. I'm excited to join you on this transformative journey toward better health.

My approach

My aim is to help you go beyond the symptoms and reach the source of the issues you're facing. 

For example, if you’re struggling with fertility and relying solely on treatments for conception, then you’re not addressing the underlying factors affecting fertility. The real solution is found by addressing root causes, such as hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. 

My philosophy is that there's a root cause behind every symptom and condition. By uncovering it, we can address issues at their core rather than relying on over-the-counter and prescription medications to manage symptoms day after day.

My approach combines several key elements:

  • Nutrition Therapy: Using food as medicine, providing realistic dietary guidance, and avoiding extreme diets.

  • Stress Management: Lowering physical stress by ensuring your body has the vitamins and minerals it needs to process stress productively. 

  • Sleep Quality: Improving your sleep quality through physical and emotional strategies for deeper and more restful sleep.

  • Movement: Developing an exercise routine that lowers stress, improves hormone balance, and supports weight management as you age.

  • Lab Testing and Diagnostics: Utilizing both conventional and specialty lab work to identify where your body is struggling and where it needs support.

  • Supplementation: Getting your vitamins and minerals from nourishing foods and taking pharmaceutical-grade supplements only when necessary.

  • Medication: Recommending and prescribing medication when needed.

We’ll work together to uncover the root of your health concerns, reduce symptoms, and create tailored plans to help you feel better and reach your goals.

In between sessions, you’ll have option of working with Jeni, an experienced Health Coach who will support you every step of the way.

About Jeni

I'm Jeni O’Neill, a Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach. I'm passionate about supporting you in living your healthiest life so that you feel empowered to pursue what you're called to do. I love seeing my clients discover their motivation and take manageable steps towards aligning their lifestyle with their values.

As a Functional Medicine Health Coach, I partner with you to create a personalized plan in four areas: nutrition, movement, stress management, and sleep. We’ll work together to find your motivation and connect your values with your health choices. Then, we’ll take your doctor’s recommendations and implement them step-by-step in a way that’s realistic and sustainable for you.

Together, we’ll create strategies to overcome challenges and celebrate your progress along the way. If you feel worried about making lifestyle changes or your ability to keep up with them, I’m here to hold your hand, cheer you on, and ensure you feel supported between sessions.

Our space

Life can get pretty busy with work, family, and self-care, making it challenging to find time to visit a clinic. That's why I provide two flexible options. If you prefer the experience of in-person meetings, you're welcome to meet there. If you live farther away or can't make it in, I also offer secure and confidential telemedicine sessions. No matter which you choose, I'm here to support your goals and well-being.

Curious what to expect from each option? Here's what you'll experience:

In-Person Visit: Our consultation is mainly a discussion about your health goals and doesn’t include any invasive physical exams. By the end, we’ll create a personalized and realistic plan to help you reach your goals. I'll provide you with all the information you need to take your action steps after our session. 

Telemedicine: If you prefer to speak remotely, we'll connect through HIPAA-compliant telemedicine, which can be done over your smartphone or computer. Your private information remains between us, and you can feel free to share as much as you would if we were meeting in person. I’m here to listen and develop a plan to help you reach your goals. 

If you’re unsure which option you’d prefer, you can always try both to see which suits you best. Whatever you choose, I'm here, first and foremost, to support you.

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