Frequently asked questions

About Functional Medicine

  • I’m a Functional Medicine Provider and a Physician Assistant. I completed my studies at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and hold an NCCPA certification. To enhance my expertise, I underwent specialized training at the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).

  • Functional Medicine is all about helping your body work in the way it's designed to. As a medical investigator, I’ll search for the root causes of your health issues, leaving no stone unturned.

    By uncovering the root causes of your health issues, we’ll create a treatment so you can start feeling like your best self again. Through our work together, you'll learn to take control of your health and become empowered to make new lifestyle choices that will help you feel better in every aspect of your life.

  • Functional medicine offers a holistic approach that can benefit your health in several ways:

    • Personalized Care: Your treatment is tailored to your unique genetic makeup, medical history, and lifestyle, ensuring a targeted plan that suits your unique needs.

    • Root Cause Identification: Instead of merely addressing symptoms, we tackle the underlying causes of your health issues, including nutritional imbalances, hormonal disparities, gut health, and inflammation.

    • Integrative Approach: Functional medicine combines conventional medical practices with complementary therapies, such as dietary adjustments, nutritional supplements, lifestyle changes, and mind-body approaches.

    • Preventive Focus: By emphasizing prevention and lifestyle changes, you can optimize your health and reduce the risk of future health problems and diseases.

    • Patient Empowerment: You’ll be empowered to actively participate in your healthcare by being an important part of the decision-making process for better and longer-lasting results.

    • Longer Consultations: Our 75-minute initial consultations mean we’ll have ample time to discuss your concerns and goals.

    • Chronic Disease Management: Functional Medicine addresses chronic health conditions, like autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, and metabolic issues, which are harder to treat in conventional medicine.

    • Ongoing Support: I provide ongoing support to monitor your progress and make adjustments to your treatment plan as needed. You’ll also have the option of working with Jeni, a Health Coach, who provides coaching support between our sessions.

  • Nutrition is the foundation of Functional Medicine and a key player in your well-being. It plays a vital role in enhancing your well-being and resolving root causes issues to improve your health.

  • Working with Jeni O’Neill, the Health Coach at New Jersey Functional Medicine, is a great way to receive additional support between our sessions. However, you get to decide whether you would like to receive this extra service.

  • We develop habits after doing things a certain way for a long time. This is why developing new habits can feel so hard! As a Certified Health Coach, Jeni can help you stick to new habits you’re forming, stay on track, cheer you on, and come up with new solutions when you hit a roadblock.

    By working with a Health Coach and me, you get the medical and emotional support needed to make long-lasting change.

Consultations and treatments

  • During our initial consultation, we'll explore your medical history and focus on the symptoms that bother you the most. Based on the nature and severity of your symptoms, I may recommend conventional or specialized lab tests. We'll also talk about how many follow-up visits you'll likely need to see results.

    Between sessions, I’ll be available to answer your questions via email. If you want additional support, you'll have the option to work with Jeni, a Health Coach.

  • I specialize in supporting women through their reproductive years, including fertility, postpartum care, and hormonal balance. I also address chronic and adrenal fatigue, mood, and energy levels for a complete approach to women's health.

    My goal is to empower you with wellness independence so that you have the tools to take control of your health for a lifetime and serve as a positive role model for your family.

  • I tailor your plan by reviewing your health history from birth to the present, your current lifestyle, dietary habits, and labwork results. Based on this information, I’ll recommend specific lifestyle practices, dietary changes, and supplements to create a personalized treatment plan just for you.

  • While some people may start feeling better as early as three weeks, it can take several months for others.

    Every person is unique, and the time it takes to see results varies depending on your specific symptoms or conditions and how long you've had them. Functional medicine is not a quick fix, and achieving lasting results requires time, commitment, and patience. The benefit is that we're working on addressing the root causes, which can lead to long-lasting results.

  • Testing and labwork is up to you—you decide if you want them. Based on your symptoms, I may recommend blood tests, stool samples, finger pricks, cheek swabs, saliva, and urine tests.

    These tests help us pinpoint your diagnosis and track your progress towards health. With the proper testing, we can achieve quicker, more targeted results.

  • Supplements and medications can be a part of your treatment plan depending on your needs and preferences. I’m a supplement and medication minimalist and strive to give a food-first approach whenever possible.

  • Absolutely. The safest way to implement any new changes is to run them by your primary physician first. Your safety and well-being are my top concern.

Logistics and appointments

  • To schedule an appointment, begin by filling out this survey.

    I’ll review your survey and get back to you within 1 business day. If we’re a good fit, I’ll send you a link to schedule a free 15-minute call. If I think someone else can better assist you, I’ll provide a referral. Either way, you’ll hear from me promptly.

  • Yes, I offer virtual appointments. While these meetings maintain the same level of privacy and security, it's important to note that I won't be able to provide physical check-in diagnostics. This means we'll miss an element from in-person sessions, but it's not critical to our session.

  • Rest assured that I strictly adhere to all HIPAA compliance regulations and laws. Your privacy is my top priority as your healthcare provider.

  • Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover consultations or most specialized testing. However, most insurance plans cover lab work done by Quest and Labcorp, and many patients are able to use their HSA or FSA accounts to pay for consultations and specialty labs.

Got more questions?

If your question wasn’t answered,
reach out and I’ll respond within 1 business day