Explore my offerings

My goal

My #1 goal is to give you the tools and education needed to feel healthy and strong. We'll go beyond just addressing the symptoms and work together to uncover the root causes of your health issues. This way, you won’t just feel good, but you’ll also be at your best for your family and inspire them toward better health.

Think of your health like a garden. Fixing symptoms is like cutting the weeds—it helps for a little while, but they keep coming back up. My method is about going under the surface to pull out the roots, ensuring long-lasting wellness by dealing with the underlying sources. 

To boost your well-being, we'll look at different parts of your life, such as nutrition, stress management, sleep quality, and movement. By taking this comprehensive approach, we don’t just focus on your symptoms. We focus on you!

My specialties

I specialize in supporting women through their reproductive years, including fertility, postpartum care, and hormonal balance. I also address chronic and adrenal fatigue, mood, and energy levels for a complete approach to women's health.


Whether you’re planning for a future pregnancy or currently struggling to conceive, my goal is to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby without invasive treatments. If you’re undergoing or interested in IVF I provide nutrition and lifestyle recommendations that better your odds of having a healthy pregnancy during this emotionally and physically demanding, yet rewarding, journey.

Gut issues

Gut issues like irritable bowel disease (Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), SIBO, chronic gas and bloating, and food sensitivities can be more than just painful—they can affect your mental well-being too. By uncovering the root cause of your gut inflammation, we'll discover which foods support your health and which to avoid, helping you feel better physically and mentally.

Autoimmune conditions

In Western medicine, autoimmune conditions are often managed by using medication to suppress symptoms. While pain relief is important, we'll go deeper to address the root cause so you can live pain-free. Whether you have Lupus, Eczema, Rheumatoid arthritis, POTS, MCAS, or another autoimmune condition, we'll focus on your gut health, nutrient absorption, hormone balance, and lifestyle changes to help you feel your best.

Hormone imbalances

Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers, and they have many jobs. When they’re unbalanced, you can experience symptoms such as weight gain, acne, insomnia, mood swings, fatigue, irregular periods, infertility, and more. Hormonal imbalances are unique from person to person. That’s why I use Functional Nutrition, labwork, and lifestyle adjustments to restore your hormonal harmony and improve your well-being.

Postpartum care

 After having a baby, and even more so if breastfeeding, your body enters a severe state of physical depletion. My postpartum care prioritizes your physical recovery and energy levels so you can enjoy this special season in your life. If you’d like to space out future pregnancies, we can discuss natural methods that don't rely on pharmaceutical hormones or IUDs.


Menopause marks a new season of life, but many of us aren’t prepared for the unique health challenges it brings. While hot flashes and vaginal dryness are common, menopause can also increase the risk of more serious conditions like dementia, bone density loss, and cardiovascular disease. Using bioidentical hormones (non-synthetic), we can help prevent these issues, allowing you to enjoy better health in this new chapter.

Chronic and adrenal fatigue

It’s become normalized in our society for women to be exhausted all of the time–especially if you’re a wife and mother on top of all of your other life responsibilities. Luckily, there are small tweaks you can make in your life that can lead to big improvements in your energy levels and mood. By learning how to implement these changes, you can reap big rewards without adding more stress to your life.

What you’ll get out of it

Embarking on a health journey is a big deal. It takes time, money, and commitment to see results. But these results aren't just for you—they benefit your family and community too. Think of our collaboration like going to university for your health. I'm not just giving you a plan and leaving. I'm teaching you the important stuff so you can care for your and your family's health for years to come.  

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